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Machine ToolsGeneral search | Quick search | Capacity | Type | Model | Comparison | Brand | Application | Industry | Ranking | Industry information | LINE-UP
HTC 1 TS 1 Gang | 1 TS 1 Turret | 1 TS 2 Turret | 2 TS 1 Turret | 2 TS 2 Turret | 2 TS 3 Turret | MillTurn | Flat bed | (Semi-CNC) Horizontal lathe | (Conventional) Horizontal lathe
FTC 1 TS 1 Turret | 2 TS 2 Turret
VTC 1 TS 1 Turret | 1 TS 1 Tool position | 1 TS 1 Ram | Inverted VTC(1 TS+1 Turret)
HMC(Horzontal Milling Machine) 3AX | 3AX | 4AX | 5AX | 5AX(MillTurn)
VMC(Conventional) Vertical mill | (Semi-CNC) Vertical mill | 3AX | 4AX | 4AX(MillTUrn) | 5AX | Universal-head 5AX | 5AX(MillTUrn) | 5F | Multi-head
HBM Bed type | Floor type | Opposed head
UMC(UMM)Bed | Bed | Floor | Portal
Devices Chuck | Rotary Table | Steady rest
In stockNew machine | Used machine
TechnologyAfter service

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No.ModelGet in touch
1 DN Solutions(Doosan China)
NHM 6305

Origin Mainland China
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2 DN Solutions(Doosan China)
NHM 6305

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3 DN Solutions(Doosan China)
NHM 6305

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4 DN Solutions(Doosan China)
NHM 6305

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5 DN Solutions(Doosan China)
NHP 6350

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NHX 63002nd Generation

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8 Hyundai Wia
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MTF mtfinder@163.com